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Rants of Everyday Life
Friday, August 22, 2008

Nothing ever remains the same. Changes occur all the time. Having a rather stagnant personality, I hate changes. Unable to accept them wholeheartedly in the most willing method. But still, sometimes no matter how hard you try to be oblivious to the surroundings, you cant escape the fact.
No point in denying the facts that is right in front of you, no point in continuing to perceive on either. Be it matters of the heart, my daily life, work, nothing is in place. All in a mess now.
How I wish to wake up from this bad dream.

idiot * 11:08 PM 0 braindead
Monday, June 16, 2008

At last, done with the final paper. Awaiting for the results to be posted out. Not too high a hope though. Just no red mark and I be more than glad.
What an expectation I have for myself.
Useless freak!
Holiday's here at last, went back Tasting Notes on Saturday, 14 June. 2nd year anniversary, but with much disappointment at the crowd and atmosphere. Though with a theme this year, the outcome wasnt as expected. Even for me, I wasnt aware of the theme till I arrived to see the staffs in beach wear and waterbombs. Guess what's the theme yet? -.-""
Although I wasnt splashed, Norbert didnt let me passed. Hugged me from the front and back with his entirely soaked clothings. Everyone I knew was busy working, the rest couldnt come or maybe they have forgotten its the anniversary I don't know. Left not long after chatting with Mr Ma, Jimmy, Angela and Eunice. Told Angela I be back to help out Tastings, didnt tell her for how long though. Shall see how things goes.
God Bless.

idiot * 9:51 PM 0 braindead
Monday, June 02, 2008

Sunshine after the rain.
As true as the words can get.
There is still one issue hovering over my thoughts, which I cannot get over with. It is getting rather devasting and affecting me from bad to worse eventually leading to the thought of leaving but I cannot bear to. Everytime I look on the bright side that everything will be fine eventually, maybe its not as bad as I feel it to be but the paranoid side of me will step in. I cant help but being over-sensitive over the issue. Probably because it happened too unexpectedly for me to digest what's happening.
Was it my actions? My words? My behaviour?
How I wish for happier moments to resurface.

idiot * 11:16 AM 0 braindead
Sunday, June 01, 2008

All was well and happy till then. Neither would I want such an ending for such a night for us. But things weren't just as planned I guess.
For a moment I was angry, angry at you for having me to always be guessing what's on your mind, what is it that made you unhappy. How I wish for you to just voice out even if it is not pleasing to the ear. I might not react at the point of time but at least I know what's the problem is. At least I get to understand you better and reconsider my actions.
Given your temper, I knew it quite well enough that you won't have taken in any of the words by them, instead you bore your temper out. Both Brian and you were at fault, having to lose both your flare almost breaking out into a fight. I know what Brian is concern about, but to you I can only guess many different possibilities that you are unhappy. I was at wrong too to show my attitude at you, but I was just upset not knowing what's on your mind and with your usual reponse of "nothing". It bothers me.

idiot * 9:53 PM 0 braindead
Friday, May 30, 2008

27 May~
Happy Birthday Byrick.
Wonder what would it have been like if you were still around.

2 years have passed since that faithful night.

Somehow memories just keep flowing into me every now and then, how we (Biyu & I) asking you a silly question of dying our hair during interview, how we nuture under your guidance, the late night movies and supper, staying back after work to wash out the whole restaurant, the time when we (Biyu & I) first got drunk turning the washroom into stink pits, sleeping over in the store room once.
All so precious, deeply engraved in our hearts.
Happy Birthday~

idiot * 12:00 AM 0 braindead
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One more week before the first paper.
My mind still feels blank.
Oh no...

idiot * 11:45 AM 0 braindead
Monday, April 14, 2008

Feeling Happy...
Looking forward to my weekends

idiot * 11:00 AM 1 braindead

[[ P R O F I L E ]]


Complicated yet simple minded

That's me.

View my complete profile

[[ L I F E ]]

Facts of life
Happiness is not to be held on to
To learn and let go
To view from angles
That's the way to be happy

[[ T A G ]]

[[ C R E A T O R ]]

- J N -